祝贺董永东同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报

发布时间:2023-03-21 19:20


企业家学者项目(DBA)整合全球优质教育资源,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程,在框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心课程中,涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。董永东同学正是在理论与实践的碰撞中,收获了应对新商业文明下新问题与新挑战的能力。“理解 - 判断 - 实践 - 引领”的DBA学习之旅,让他在企业家学者项目中历经了新商业文明的一次次洗礼,完成了跨越式的思想“突围”。 




Heli WANG 

Janice Bellace Professor of Strategic Management,SMU

Yijiang WANG

Professor of Human Resource Management and Economics,CKGSB

Zhiling GUO

Associate Professor of Information Systems,SMU

董永东 | 数据智能对软件交付效能影响的研究


▇ 论文摘要:

随着大数据和人工智能的兴起,数据智能(data intelligence)逐渐成为学术界和产业界共同关注的焦点。数据智能具有显著的大数据驱动和应用场景牵引两大特征。越来越多的企业利用大规模数据挖掘、机器学习和深度学习等预测性分析方法和技术,提取数据中蕴含的有价值的模式,并用于提升复杂实践活动中的管理与决策水平,进而促成新的业务模式、组织架构乃至经营战略转变,提高组织的运营效率。而数据智能具体是怎样作用于组织绩效的相关研究不多,本文指出了数据智能实现迭代发展的三维要素:数据、技术和预测决策能力,然后围绕这三大要素与组织绩效的研究与应用问题进行了较为深入的探索。笔者以软件企业相关数据为依据进行实证研究,最后得出数据智能影响软件交付效能的机制和路径,对于其他行业组织提升运营效率、组织绩效有着重要的借鉴作用。



As the world ushers in an era of artificial intelligence, new technologies and methods, such as data intelligence, computer vision and recognition, robots, and intelligent networking, have sprouted one after another. It has become common sense that data intelligence can improve the operational efficiency of organizations. However, the methods to use data intelligence and establish a mechanism for it to accurately improve the operational efficiency of the organization still require further research. Taking software enterprises as an example, this research uses the research methods of questionnaire survey and statistical analysis to deeply explore the internal theoretical logic of data intelligence affecting software delivery effectiveness; meanwhile, it proposes the mechanism and path of data intelligence influencing software delivery effectiveness, which is of theoretical significance and practical value. 


Findings: (1) Feature of data intelligence: Driven by big data, the data analysis and mining are carried out through machine learning and deep learning. Data intelligence's connotation includes big data, algorithms, prediction, and decision-making capacity. (2) Feature of software delivery effectiveness: the delivery ability that meets customer needs and brings value to them. The connotation of software delivery effectiveness is the organizational and strategic performance of enterprises and the indirect benefits that can be perceived. The main factors affecting software delivery effectiveness are modularization, process integration, and team architecture. (3) The main mechanism for data intelligence to improve software delivery efficiency is reflected in three aspects: value chain, management and control mode, and capability. The value chain forms when data intelligence directly improves software delivery effectiveness and also has a positive impact on software delivery effectiveness through modularization, process integration, and team architecture. The management and control mode uses data intelligence technologies and methods to act on modularization, process integration, and team architecture, thus improving the management and control of software delivery effectiveness. Lastly, the capability is mainly reflected in the use of big data to improve the decision-making ability of software delivery through algorithms, such as machine learning.

The conclusions of this research are of great significance to improving the operational efficiency of organizations. The research methods and ideas of data intelligence on the impact of software delivery effectiveness can be applied and promoted in other organizations or industries, thus promoting the digital transformation of organizations or industries. Nowadays, the applications of big data and artificial intelligence technology are flourishing. Against this backdrop, it is required to find the intermediary variable between the operational efficiency of organizations or industries and data intelligence and build a mechanism for data intelligence to improve operational capabilities to enhance the digital transformation ability of organizations or industries. Based on that, the operational efficiency of organizations can be raised through digital transformation, which will further boost the economic operational efficiency of society and contribute to China's digital transformation and high-quality economic development.





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